I had this for breakfast today. Avocado, egg and cauliflower rice. I do a Mexican flavor play on the fried rice.
I like putting some ground turkey in my eggs ( + avocado and salsa ) for breakfast. It's like crumbled sausage :) just season to taste. I usually do pepper and garlic salt. You can make "egg muffins", just add the pre-cooked turkey in to the egg/topping mixture before cooking. Spinach, diced onion, bell pepper, and ground…
We can start a girls club :) I have had the same type of experience as you. It took me a long time to become, "balanced" as my mom would say. I still lose and gain the same 10-20 lbs over a 2-3 year cycle, it goes down, stays and then up stays down, then all the way up, and now I need to refocus on lifestyle changes. On…
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