brahan19 Member


  • I can't for the life of me figure out how to add friends. Is there any way you know how to send me a request. Please. X
  • I am starting low carbohydrate tomorrow hoping to stay under 50g a day but will need to see how I cope on it. I am also type 2 diabetes and have 70lbs to loose. If you know how to friend request me please feel free to as I dont know how to.
  • I'd like to give keto a try to get my 70 lbs off and control my type 2 diabetes. Don't know how to add or friend request.
    in New to keto Comment by brahan19 May 2017
  • Hi there. Im 70lbs overweight and also type 2,diabetic. I've heard the keto diet is basically very low carbohydrate. Can you please tell me how you are finding it and how many carbs a day you allow yourself to eat. I'd like to give it a try.
  • Your post just made me feel I can actually do this. Not sure how this works if I can add people like face book. I'm five stone I overweight and hit a vicious circle of comfort eating leading to struggling to exercise and sleeping so much which of course isn't helped by not walking. Today I feel more motivated than I have…