blobbyboohoo Member


  • I know what you mean when I first started I would have to force myself to work out in the evening now I crave it! The tiredness is a lot to do with your inactiveness once you start working out your energy levels will rise in a couple of weeks good luck [/quote] Yeah I know what u mean my diet also prob making me sluggish,…
  • Hi nice to meet u I defo need to do something when kids r in bed alrite. Its My only hope I'd say. Just a matter of sorting out a routine. I also need to prepare meals in advance. I eat a lot of bread coz I'm in n out the house all day with school runs etc so I tend to go for quick easy meals. Oh well at least I know where…
  • Hi nice to meet u. I've not been a size 8 to 10 since I was 15 lol but would be happy just to get back to a toned size 10 to12. I'm a 14 now but flabby with it so I defo need the exercise to tone up again.
  • Hi nice to meet u, I defo need to sort out some kind of routine alrite. I used to go walking in mornings but not so easy now with 3 kids under 5 n not yet in school. Daddy works 9 till 5 n often takes my older son to football training etc after school n at weekends so very little time for me to get out alone. I'm too tired…