Alyssa_is_losingit's I'm sorry I thought this was the Food and Nutrition Community, not the SmartAss Community! Reading one artical does not answer all your questions and I am not going to spend the rest of the night wasting my time! You can lead someone to the water............................
Paleo is just a 2 million year old fad!
When I mentioned it to my Gen MD She said oh yes we've know that for several years......Why would they tells would they keep making money!
- Dr. Dewight Lundell MD
If it sounds like I'm pissed your correct! After 4 heart attacks I stopped listening to the gov. and what we are training our dieticians. (Thanks to our Government) And I now have proof that my arteries are improving. Costly when you pay for a heart cath. to find out!
Watch the Documentary The Perfect Human Diet! Yes it's been over 10k years since we ate properly and yes they died younger from illnesses, accidents and eaten by other animals. I think we got most of that taken care of. Ask a Cardiologist what they think of the diet. Heart Surgeons are coming out a blaming the high levels…
You mite want to check into a Paleo Diet and not eat all those carbs. The diet our bodies were designed to eat...caveman style! It's not a diet it's a life style change! Watch the Doc. The Perfect Human Diet If we were design to eat wheat, grains, breads, cerals and many other carbs we'd have two stomachs like a cow!!