laurenpthomas9510 Member


  • Thanks guys. That was the plan. Just wanted to get someone else's opinion :)
  • Been doing this for almost two months. Have only had myfitnesspal for like a week.
  • Totally need and want more friends. My friends in real life aren't very supportive so I would love to add some friends on here!!
  • This was extraordinarily helpful to see and to think about. Honestly I weigh everyday just so myfitnesspal has the numbers, but I weigh on Monday's as my "did I lose the 2 pounds I was supposed to have lost this week" day. Seeing the chart was a good reminder to both me (and the ED voice in my head I still sometimes hear)…
  • That reply was very sweet and thoughtful and I very very much so appreciate it. Normally I weigh at the same time everyday, naked, in the morning, after the bathroom, and before food or water. I weigh almost obsessively but I have been staying with a friend who does not have a scale, so I made the mistake of weighing…
  • Thank you all for your replies, as they put my thoughts back into perspective. Almost all of you were very helpful, thank you!
  • I know better than to weigh in the evening. As I said to SezxyStef, I used to have an eating disorder, and even though I am recovered now, scales can still be very upsetting. Usually I only weigh once a week and it is in the morning after I use the bathroom and before I eat or drink anything.
  • I think the reason I got so mad was simply because I have been working so hard, seeing some results, and finally doing it the healthy way. I had an eating disorder in high school and so losing weight in a healthy way is difficult for me, and this is my first "setback" so to say. But I certainly do see your point, and will…
  • That totally made me smile. I guess I just freaked out because I just started getting serious about my dieting again, and I worked SO hard this week.