yrguide Member


  • No, but don't assert one thing when the reality is another, especially when you've written it out.
  • I'm not sure how you square up suggesting disregarding those grams of added sugars while simultaneously logging them, it's not possible. I'm not and I don't but most people doing a sugar challenge don't already eat in a manner where they don't actually need to cut out sugar like you so again, your suggestion not to worry…
  • I have, over and over again, asserted the WHO guidelines for added sugars which is 25 grams. I have over and over again asserted that simply blowing off adding up bits of sugar that you think is negligible is actually 10% to 20% of your added sugar allocation for the day. Again, I am asserting that because you obviously…
  • And your information is not consistent with the information I provided. I made the claim the the bulk of added sugars come from processed foods and that still stands. It's a tablespoon of sriracha, are you doling it out over 5 or 6 meals? The willful ignorance here is absurd. If you were in a CICO weight loss thread and…
  • Why would you possibly be offended on her behalf? It wasn't offensive at all. It was two days in a row, not one. The day before the 85 gram day was 83 grams.
  • You are referring to the wrong post. I came here, I searched sugar. I found this thread and noticed the poster making the poor assessment was the same one as the OP. This is the thread I was referring to: https://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10772771/how-do-i-have-no-sugar-addicts-in-my-office/p2
  • You are the one who said you weren't concerned about sugar from sources except for baked goods. You were worried about the urge to covert pears to baked goods which includes all sorts of triggers. Someone is being obtuse here and it's not me.
  • Then why are you here if you don't need to cut sugar out of your diet? It's similar to the both of you being on a diet when you don't actually need to lose weight then telling others not to worry about logging that slice of cake. Honestly, it's so willfully ignorant it's mind boggling.
  • No one is worrying about having a few grams of sugar here and there. As been said numerous times, based on YOUR diet you don't need to quit sugar at all so I'm not quite sure why you are bothering other than trying to sabotage others. And it's pretty obvious you are willfully trying to sabotage others when you suggest to…
  • @lemurcat2 Here's an article that states a majority of sugars comes from processed foods: https://time.com/4252515/calories-processed-food/ This makes zero sense in the context of telling people not to worry about it: Also no one said this: I clearly stated that it is not in dispute that plenty of foods that you would not…
  • @kshama2001 I was talking about this person, not you. But as you previously mentioned this doesn't seem like it's specific to sugar: Though it includes sugar this sounds more like a whole food issue.
  • It. All. Adds. Up. Most of the main sources of sugar I've seen in studies for the US market is processed foods, period. Savory and sweet. It. All. Adds. Up. It. All. Adds. Up. Because it's in also added in foods that most people don't expect. That point is not debatable. Also, based on your whole foods diet you don't have…
  • Do you not get it? It all adds up. It's not about pointing at any one thing but you dismissing it in sauces and savory foods can quickly add up over the course of a day to 25 or 30 grams on top of the sugars you get from natural sources. Suddenly thats 50 or 60 grams, well over your WHO guidelines. It doesn't matter who…
  • Again, then why are you cutting out sugar? Your diet indicates YOU don't need to. And why are you telling people not to worry about it when they should be paying attention to everything until they figure out what works for them. It's not the 3 in Sriracha specifically, it's the 3 in Sriracha you weren't expecting plus the…
  • No one said you must eat absolutely no sugar. No one. No where. You cannot deny many supermarket foods, savory and sweet, have an excess of added sugars. Much of it hidden as who would suspect Ragu tomato sauce for example, 8 grams of sugar with some of it coming from added sugar as sugar is one of the ingredients. You…
  • I gave you a medical journal and you gave me an article from a guy who is a journalist, not a scientist. OK. I'm done here. I can tell there is no way to have this discussion with you. I'm not on a carbs are bad rant. My concern is specific to sugar and I clearly mention that fruit sugar is fine when it's with the fiber.…
  • Then please tell me which savory foods and sauces you are talking about? Perhaps it would be best to clarify your posts in the context of your own diet? Personally I don't think 6 grams of sugar in a tablespoon of dressing is a minor amount when it's more than 20% of the recommended sugar allowance for the day. Lean…
  • Does it? Why would you think this? I would imagine we have all known people who smoke right? Does every smoker you know compulsively choose to have a cigarette every time they see a pack of cigarettes or see someone smoking? What if they decide to bum a cigarette at a party? What does it indicate if someone who forgot…
  • One of the points of these challenges is educating yourself about how much sugar, especially hidden added sugar, are in your foods. Including savory and sauces. You don't care about sugar in sauces? You should. For example, one tablespoon of ketchup contains a full teaspoon of sugar (4 grams). A full 1/3rd of the ketchup…
  • AH HA, that's it. 1%. I have estimated my TDEE and want to work that into the overall plan. I'm heavier so want to aim a little higher weekly while I can. Once I start slimming down it will be harder to maintain 2lbs a week. I use the MFP tools, calorie trackers, and exercise. I wish there was a moov app for it. I swim and…
  • Overnight oats or muesli! Prep it the night before by taking 1/2 cup of oats and mixing it with 1/4 cup yogurt and 1/4 cup lowfat milk. Let it sit overnight in the fridge in a tupperware container. It's delicious cold.