I'm late to the game, but I'd love to join! Current weight: 69 kilos/152 lbs. Goal weight: 65 kilos by December 19th. I regained those four kilos after two holidays (and a broken heart) in August. My goal is to get back on track.
Name: Megan Age:26 Height:5' 6(168 cm) Start Weight (July 1):143.3(65 kilos) Goal Weight (August 1):135(61.2 kilos) Weigh-ins (week of...): July 1:65 kilos July 8:64 kilos July 15: July 22: July 29: August 1: Weight -/+ this week:1 kilo Weight -/+ this month: Successes/struggles this week: Keeping a consistent schedule at…
Low key and thoughtful :)
Name: Megan Age: 26 Height: 5' 6"(168 cm) Start Weight (1st January): 67 kilos Goal Weight (1st February): 63 kilos 1st January: 67 kilos 8th January: 66.2 kilos 15th January: 66 kilos 22nd January: 29th January: 1st February: Weight lost/gained this week: .2 kilos Weight lost/gained this month: 1 kilo Successes/struggles…
Name:Megan Age:26 Height: 5'6 (168 cm) Start Weight 67 kilos (147.7 pounds) Goal Weight 63.5 kilos (140 pounds) 1st January: 67 kilos 8th January: 66.2 kilos 15th January: 22nd January: 29th January: 1st February: Weight lost/gained this week: .8 kilos (1.8 pounds) Weight lost/gained this month: .8 kilos (1.8 pounds)…
Name: Meg Age: 26 Height: 167 cm (5' 6") Start Weight (1st January): 67 kilos (147 lbs) Goal Weight (1st February): 63.5 kilos (140 lbs) 1st January: 8th January: 15th January: 22nd January: 29th January: 1st February: Weight lost/gained this week: Weight lost/gained this month: Successes/struggles this week: