Add me - looking for the same! 180 days strong and going!
Misfit shine lady here - been logging here for 180....add me here and on shine -mestamel
can I get in on this? feel free to add me lady
Hey lady! Same boat here, 32 - 186, want to get back into the 140's. Busy working mom here - I just want to feel amazing and no hide when someone breaks out a camera, lol - lets do this!!!
I actually have the same issues, very weak ankles. I used to run a lot in previous years, but have found the ankle pain has worsened over time. best thing, get the right shoes, take it easy and don't overdo it, vary up your workouts, YOGA!
I'm in!!! Melissa - mother, busy career mom, 32 Weight 7/1 - 189.4 Exercise: walking/biking 7/1 - 22 minutes - but I made up for it between yesterday and today. - walking 7/2 - 56 minutes walking 7/3 - 101 minutes walking
In the same boat, I'll be your motivation buddy, add me too!!!
I choose not to eat foods containing GMOs - I know everyone has an opinion of them, but personally it is some scary stuff - bad to the point that even foreign countries won't even take our seeds containing GMOS. I am a label looker and choose to pay extra to avoid them
Same boat - mom of one busy boy. I just want to be comfortable in my own skin and happy when I look in the mirror. not sure how the weight crept up all these years, but ready to kick it - and have some fun in the process