torituma4 Member


  • C - because i m really bad at cycling. and i dont know how to swim. trying to learn but motivation wise i rather run
  • @karllundy @skippygirlsmom so ok last nite didn't go as plan lolz. plan was 6 miles. fasted whole day then i went overboard during breaking fast so my run felt soon bloated. lucky i didn't blew chunks but it was a very uncomfortable 4miles. lesson learned hahah. lets see if i do better tonight. :wink: @Stoshew71 i been…
  • can u run on different day? for me as long as i get the total milage for the week its good. i used to be on long hrs 14-16hr and rotating shift so my training just have to fit. there are days when i was so tired i cant drag myself out of the door. hence creative sporadic days. btw enjoy ur GCAM! i ran it last year and it…
  • @Carrieendar hahaha u are so so right! after my long runs and races i just "inhale" all the food on my plate. my friend usually look at me and start asking did u just finished? i usually nod then start looking at second helpings
  • @WhatMeRunning rested for 2 days. some short easy miles in between and Saturday i ran 10 miles and it felt great. hope it stays that way :-). i however do feel some shin pain that i know i need to sort out. icing? i am at 73/100 miles for this month at where i am now, fasting month has started. This will be my first time…
  • where do u draw the line ? do u use BMI or fat% . curious bc i m bordering that thin scrawny look too. i feel ok but the comment - u could surely eat a couple of burgers kept coming at me :(
  • newbie to the group. hello everyone. mileage update for this month 44/100 miles last nite i ran about 2 mile uphill when i felt some tightness near upper inner thigh on both legs. never had this before. do anyone know what this is? help. i hope i didnt do anything bad
  • hiyaa runners. add me :-) . been running about 1-2years. now trying to fix my eating. hav carbs n sugar sensitivity. any advise on eating n running ?
  • hello everyone. A runner and am here to fix my nutrition. Have sensitivity to carbs n sugar so my diet now is all over the place. help n motivation needed :wink: