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  • Basically: Yes. Reaching my goal did indeed meet my expectations physically. This doesn’t mean that my body is perfect now, though, because I never expected perfection, just a certain level of improvement. Maintenance has been surprisingly OK, but emotionally it hasn’t been easy to switch from hyper-focus on my weight and…
  • I quit smoking a few months into my weight loss. I did see some impact on the speed of my weight loss, but since I quit I've still lost 15lbs or so. I wasn't a super heavy smoker (4-6 cigs per day), but I still used smoking to help me manage my hunger and once it was gone I had to find some new tricks keep myself in line.
  • The fats generally called "good fats" are unsaturated fats, like those found in nuts, some fish and some oils. That said, I don't think you need to go looking for fats, per see, they will find you. Maybe aim to limit "bad fats" or saturated fats found in meats (like ground beef) and dairy products (like most cheeses).
  • ^^ this really sucks. You may have to opt for a combination of meal planning, snack packing and fast food. Try to choose healthy foods from the places you can stop. Avoiding the fast food place all together would make it easier on you, and would be a good coping strategy, but if you are so limited then you may have to to…
  • Hi Emily I've read that sleep-deprived people tend to eat more. Try to get enough sleep, if possible. My key insight: Do not wait until you are starving to make food choices. Make these choices ahead of time, to avoid making quick decisions based on convenience! For example, instead of turning to fast food when you're…