egrote2015 Member


  • I ran TDEE and it said over 1600 whereas MFP of course gives 1200...resistance training for me is almost out of the question since I'm home with the kids all day. My fiancé started working a new job, leaving at 4 in the morning, so I've moved my regular workout up earlier. It's been to hot or raining to run with the…
  • Even with working out and running daily, I'm not losing.... It's all cardio....logging everything is easy, I don't have a problem there. It's very disappointing
  • Thanks for the advice. @ Goose, I usually only have the two littlest ones (6mo & 4y). For the summer I am also watching my Godsons (9 & 11). I need to do this. I also just did 2x the Military Diet while working out and running everyday and didn't lose a single pound??