klrenn Member


  • If you want to increase the fat, you could replace some of the banana with avocado
  • @ladyreva78 That sounds so frustrating! Can you lock your door? Or do you have to work in a common area of the house? If you can separate yourself I’d try telling them “I’m going to work for x hours. This is important to me. I will not answer the door during this time.” And then put in some headphones. I might even go so…
  • As the resident anxiety sufferer of my family surprisingly I’m the most even keeled of us during all of this. I think that since I’m an introvert and usually on mid-high alert, this is nothing new to me. I’m a bit down because I can’t get out as much as I’d like or do my usual workouts, but otherwise ok. My husband is…
  • Their customer service is great! My husband’s jacket had ripped along the lining and they repaired it for free.
  • I’m I’m a photographer and even though winter is the slow season for me I’ve seen a significant slowdown. No newborns, no corporate events. I was on track to open a storefront studio this year and I’ve put it on hold for the time being.
  • After editing ingredients, just before you save, you can click on the serving size and edit it. I use the app too and have attached a screenshot
  • I think after Zuzka left bodyrock she started her own that is similar to the old bodyrock. Zuzka Light if I remember correctly.
  • Sounds like your soleus muscle. In the sketch you posted, that purple muscle that’s labeled the soleus isn’t just that bit, it lies across the whole calf under the gastroc and the tendinous tissue that ultimately forms the Achilles’ tendon I hope that makes sense, I don’t feel like I’m explaining it well. Edited to…
  • A few years ago I had pain like this. I had an endoscopy and they found gastritis. I forget which OTC med they put me on, but it was weeks before I could eat anything but white rice and bananas. The doc thought it was from alcohol, but I was actually drinking a *ton* of coffee at the time. I dropped both coffee and alcohol…
  • Even on nights I don’t sleep with my weighted blanket (particularly when it’s hot) I find it comforting as part of my wind down routine. I’ll brew some herbal tea, curl up under the blanket with a book and it calms me and makes me drowsy. I just push it off the side of the bed when I’m ready to fall asleep. So, it’s…
  • To not feel bad about water weight gain and other natural fluctuations, you need to really learn and internalize that it is what the body naturally does. Not only is it normal, it’s a GOOD thing! If your body was not retaining/releasing water in response to these normal activities then you would be in trouble, and some…
  • Mine is very accurate. I don’t have one with HR monitoring. I kept 3 months of data (calories in, calories out, daily weight) and my weight loss matched what my fit bit said I was burning. If I’m not weighing all my food it looks like the Fitbit numbers are inflated, but it’s more that I’m not being accurate in measuring…
  • My daughter had a large one removed from her wrist and was in a cast for a few weeks. I do know she was frustrated by the surgery, I don’t think it completely solved the problem. I apparently have a small one in my wrist. Like you, my ortho thinks it’s a cyst even though there’s no bump. And he didnt recommend any surgical…
  • You can set it to do your intervals by distance instead of time. Then you end up running 5k by the end, but not necessarily in 30 minutes. OP, I definitely recommend C25k. I was someone that swore she would never ever ever run, but I finished the program, loved it and then spent a few years running 5k races (never got fast…
  • I don’t look at any individual weigh in...I plug my daily weight into trendweight and want that averaged number to be within my 4lb range
  • I was deadlifting the other day and I could hear some guy behind me grunting every rep of whatever he was doing, and I swear it sounded like he was having sex :s I’ll admit to some soft grunts while squatting and benching near max (but it’s more like forcefully letting air out as opposed to vocalization) not sure if anyone…
  • So, a weekly shop really works for me if I can get over the hurdle of making myself do it while it doesn’t work for you. There are other areas of life where it’s probably reversed. If the title of this post were “how often do you clean your house” then I’d be the one conceding defeat. I’ve tried so many methods and after…
  • While I won’t go so far as to say it’s easy, I do find one grocery trip a week to be far less time consuming overall (as well as less expensive) compared to going every day. 15min to choose 5 dinners (we eat leftovers pretty often, and my husband likes having the option of choosing a last minute nice dinner on the weekend…
  • I listen to music while lifting generally because the gym plays music and I’d rather choose what I listen to. That being said, occasionally on a Sunday morning the gym will be silent - no music or TVs...and those are my happy days. I leave my headphones in my bag and just lift to the sound of the plates. Running I need…
  • I had an inguinal hernia repair about 14 years ago and, while I wasn’t lifting at the time or soon after, I’ve been heavy lifting regularly for 5 or 6 years now. I’ve had no ill effects, no recurrence if the old hernia and haven’t gotten one on the other side. So, no real advice for starting up now other than I’d wait a…
  • So, unless you’re wearing the exact same clothes at the doctor at the same time of day (after eating the same amount of food, etc) there is going to be variance in that number and I wouldn’t think anything of a 5lb difference in the reading. However, if you are noticing your body feeling/looking different and/or clothes…
  • I’ve never really understood this...one of the places that makes me particularly notice weight gain/loss is my wrists. The link that comes out of and into my watch when my weight varies is larger than the quarter inch in this calculator that would put me from small frame to large frame.
  • I think you really need to deal with the pttd before you get shoes. Once you get the proper brace/orthotics, then you’ll have a better idea of what kind of shoe you need. You may not need a supportive shoe if the pronation is corrected with the orthotics. I’m trying to picture how you’re walking now...are you actively,…
  • I’m only 41, but this is definitely on my mind as well (Alzheimer’s is in my family) I decided several years ago to learn something new every year. Particularly something that has a physical aspect to it. Running, powerlifting, aerial silks/trapeze (this unfortunately only lasted a year because the place I went was a bit…
  • I lose at just over a pound a month, but that’s with a starting weight that was only 15lbs above goal weight. While I’d like it to be 2lbs per month, I’m not willing to cut that many calories. Gets a bit frustrating with daily fluctuations masking such a slow loss, but the numbers don’t lie and the trend downward is there.
  • It sounds to me like what you’re calling flat foot strike is what I would call a midfoot strike. You’re landing not on the ball of the foot, nor in the heel...so midfoot? If you’re comfortable with it and your center of gravity is in the right spot when you land, I would think you’re fine. But then I never gave my…
  • I may be misunderstanding you, but if you have a forefoot strike, isn’t that the pattern you have to have? I land on my forefoot, roll down through flat then spring back through to push off.
  • Is she open to letting you know what goes into the meals? My husband is not watching his weight/intake, but he totally supports me. I’m trying to be really accurate in my logging, and on the days he cooks he’s been weighing the ingredients as he adds them to the pot/bowl. I create the recipe on MFP and I can weigh out my…
  • You could poach it in a tomato basil sauce. We use cod in a kind of fisherman’s stew as well...with shrimp, mussels, potatoes, etc
  • This is exactly what I needed in my life! I plugged in the last 30 days of info (the amount of time I’ve been diligent about logging) and I got so many answers :) I tend to track all the data points and then don’t do anything with them to get meaningful conclusions. Thanks!