Man that you fear - Manson
Cats for everyone!
Been here two weeks. I can definitely motivate you to consume more ice cream.
It's measured using the universally accepted unit of measurement: Hersheys
As someone in research who regularly reviews journal articles (albeit in a different topic area) and attempts to validate the results, I've found a lot of ripped off articles, forged results and padded results. I've seen duplicate articles in the same journal with a whole separate list of authors lol. I don't trust journal…
The Midnight Meat Train
Bit me when I scratched her butt.
Illegal in a lot of places actually.
Wanted me to clean her litter box.
-1 Places without self checkouts.
When my seat belt won't pull all the way across.
Misunderstood my reference to her name. I won't date anyone who misunderstands my references.
I told her I liked my flowers drowned in water and she misunderstood.
Precisely. Waste of money. If you just want to bake and don't have an oven, a toaster oven is a much cheaper option. Btw I just cooked vegetables in it. I never tried meat. For meat, I'd definitely go with a Nu Wave.
Actifry is a no-fry. The food that comes out is equivalent to if I had baked it, except actifry takes even longer. Heck, I'd let you have mine if you lived nearby. It will probably never be used again. That being said, I'm tempted to buy a Nu Wave.
I'll just live on a boat.
12 years a slave free willy
Florida electrical engineering grad student and part time litter box cleaner.
Granted, but now everyone you don't know has the burden of all your friends pain as well which is too much in addition to their own and causes a domino effect of suicides leading to the end of humanity as we know it. I wish oreos had zero calories.
Do you think caps make anyone pay extra attention?
Isn't 1 Stella 1 too many?
It's not flirting unless someone winds up pregnant.