Jumping in too - just joined, bi in Baltimore, new to the lgbt scene and new-again to fitness ( happens). Looking for a fun, supportive bunch of friends! I'm really body positive and upbeat, happy to cheer you on if you'll return the favor. :)
Jumping in too - just joined, bi in Baltimore, new to the lgbt scene and new-again to fitness ( happens). Looking for a fun, supportive bunch of friends! I'm really body positive and upbeat, happy to cheer you on if you'll return the favor. :)
Hey all - definitely looking for some supportive friends as cheerleaders! I'm very body positive and upbeat (...when it comes to other people's progress; you know how it goes >.>), happy to return the favor!
Hey guys! Looking for some supportive new friends to be a cheering squad! Personally, I'm body positive and totally friendly. :smile: