rcolwell011 Member


  • I'm 5'6" weighing 160 losing weight consistently eating 1800 calories a day. I do exercise 3-6 times a week for 30-45 minutes and am consistently losing 1-3 pounds a week. It is all relative. People lose and maintain with different calories, and 1,200 calories of junk food does not fuel your body the same way 1,200…
  • I'm 5'6" weighing 160 losing weight consistently eating 1800 calories a day. I do exercise 3-6 times a week for 30-45 minutes and am consistently losing 1-3 pounds a week. It is all relative. People lose and maintain with different calories, and 1,200 calories of junk food does not fuel your body the same way 1,200…
  • I love these posts, so motivational! Just for today, 1. I will exercise with weights even when I'm tired after my run. 2. I will replace my starch with extra vegetables at dinner. 3. I will not tempt myself with dessert. 4. I will go to bed early.
  • Name: Rebecca Age: 21 Height: 5'6 Start Weight (1st June): 165 Goal Weight (1st July): 155 1st June: 165.0 8th June: 163.5 15th June: 160.5 22nd June: 29th June: 1st July: Weight lost/gained this week: 3 pounds Weight lost/gained this month: 4.5 pounds Successes/struggles this week: I'm joining the post late, but it's…