greatghastlygreeneyes Member


  • Yeah, I can do fluids, and no, definitely not pregnant. I'm getting over kind of a nasty cold. My appetite has been reduced for most of it, but now I don't even want to consider eating anything. So I think I'll just try to see if I can't sleep through it.
  • Maybe this is my problem. I don't know. Maybe I just don't see the signs, and people take it as encouragement?
  • No. It makes me really uncomfortable, partially because it only ever seems to happen in weird places for me. For example, at work (I should mention here that I'm a cashier), or as I'm walking out of Goodwill with my newly purchased records and am followed to my car. I could name more specific examples, but mostly they just…
  • I sometimes weigh myself before and after I go to the bathroom, just to get some idea of how much waste the body produces. It's reassuring to think that I am actually not as heavy as I think, merely full of the stuff. I only do this once a day, and only in the morning. I don't weigh myself every day because weight can…