54caligirl Member


  • I agree you can add healthy fats to the foods you enjoy to meet your needs and to satisfy yourself.
  • Has anyone tried converting ethnic dishes to make them Keto friendly I am just starting on this Ketogenic Lifestyle and I believe it is the best option for my family just havent gotten that far and am curious if anyone has expanded on there culinary adventures using the Keto guidelines.
  • You know the way you make your family a priority you need to do the same for yourself . Hire a sitter and take three days a week for yourself I'm not saying all day but two hrs just to dedicate for you your worth it if you don't when something happens to you who will take care of your family? Think about it. You make…
  • You can I know o did but seriously quitting is your very best option once you do your energy will go through the roof.
    in Smokers Comment by 54caligirl June 2016