Vkenton Member


  • Awesome! I'm glad things should cool down for you. It's gotten a bit hot here, which had made me sad. D: I'm not even telling my sister about what I weigh. I'm trying to get healthier than her, so I can prove to myself I'm better than her at something. We've both been chubby. I now want to be healthy like my younger…
    in Week 5! Comment by Vkenton July 2015
  • I can't tell if I've got stretch marks yet. I think I do? But I've paid very little attention to my skin in the past, so I don't know if those were already there or not. XD Florida to Vermont here. And it's been maybe into the 80's. I have taken to doing my run at about 9am though. I used to do it at 7pm, and that just…
  • I've had a stall for about 2 weeks, but reading up on it, it looks like it was because I had added in exercise after I'd started eating better, so the muscles were doing *kitten* and holding water weight, which cause me to stall out. I wasn't getting discouraged, but it was sooooo annoying. EEK! 90+ sounds like death. It's…
  • RIGHT?! I keep thinking when, even if I've been at the same weight for what feeeeels like forever. I haven't stated to people "when" yet, but I've thought it on multiple occasions, and I have to say it feels amazing.
  • How's everyone doing so far this week?
  • I was used to weighing myself on Saturday, so I'm still getting used to Friday weighing. Did my weigh in, down almost 2 lbs, probably would have been more if McDonalds had not been so inviting 2 times this week for breakfast.
  • Woo! I repeated day 1 because I wanted to make sure I did it right. I'll be doing it again Wednesday, but this time with a friend :D
    in C25K! Comment by Vkenton June 2015
  • I was actually planning on it. I wasn't gonna push myself to finish a week if I wasn't prepared. I'm expecting lots of repeats, but will be pleasantly surprised if they are not necessary.
    in C25K! Comment by Vkenton June 2015
  • I mean, a tapir is essentially a Drowsy. So a Teal Drowsy? Pokemon and fitness? I mean. Seriously.
  • I'm just started the C25K today, and I think it's gonna do a lot to make me sit at the computer less and start focusing on adapting that to my new life style. I may do the 200situp challenge on my off days of the walking/jogging, but if anyone's got tips I'm all ears.
  • I wish I could like everyone's posts cause y'all seem to be preeetty awesome. :D
  • Hello to everyone! I'm sure we can all do it if we stick together, we need to show them the Teal Tapirs are always going to be the best!
  • I wish I had one. If I had the money for it, I'd get it now. Or if I had someone to purchase it for me.
  • Well then. :p You started logging a whole lot faster. I did some a few days ago, but since I work night shifts, my days don't end when MFP's do. So there's that and having to search for everything. Tis a worrisome process. That's true. It's not like you went a week under eating and then weighed and tried it a different way…
  • Ha! I don't want to be back in math class with word problems! I was only semi decent at them! Too much extra information! Did you find eating exactly the 1200 helped lose weight faster or less fast as when you might have been under eating?
  • Congrats on only less than 10 lbs to go! I have trouble logging things on here because I have to hunt for what it is, try and figure out how much was in it. If I do the math in my head, and realize I've had a few 300 calorie meals, I'll count it all up and see if I can have anything else, or if I should. But I am keeping…