Emphatic yes, the vaccine lowers risk of cervical cancer as well as head and neck cancer.
1. (what's your height and gender) 6'01 male 2. Where was your "less than X lbs" weight threshold for running to become comfortable? I find it really makes a difference in terms of how fast I run but not as much in overall enjoyment and I think it's because as I lose weight I add strain by running longer or faster. I start…
Looks like a fun challenge!
All houses are full, if you missed out this doing please be on the lookout in 10-12 weeks there may be a 5th season.
All houses are full, if you missed out this round please be on the lookout in 10-12 weeks there may be a 5th season.
Just one spot in Baratheon and one spot in Greyjoy remain
what are trying to look like the big man by insulting someone over an honest mistake? reminds me of a quote from Jim Rohn: (paraphrase) the reason they make those second grade chairs so small -so you won't fit in them when you're have to grow up sometime! You have to move on...make some reasonable…
I've been on two teams, Stark and Targaryen and both were fun. Its more about meeting a fun group of people to share motivation, jokes and friendly competition than the houses per se. I'd probably try house Martell this round if I were playing just because I liked Oberyn in Feast for Crows...but I imagine it would be a lot…
Current spaces available: Greyjoy 5 openings Baratheon 7 openings Martell 3 openings all other teams are filled only about a day left to join, so get the spots while you can
Game starts in 2 days!!
Houses are filling up, spaces still available in Greyjoy, Martell and Baratheon!
Only one spot left in House Lannister! Space still remains in Greyjoy, Martell and Baratheon... Tyrell, Targaryen and Stark are currently full.
House Tyrell is now full, still spaces available in Greyjoy, Lannister, Baratheon, and Martell
In case there is any confusion, once you join the forum you will find threads for the houses (teams). You must post in one of these threads to join the challenge.
Stark and Targaryen are now full, spaces are still available in other houses.
I think House Targaryen and Stark only have one spot left each...other houses still have more openings...sign up early so you can get your choice of houses
You should have access to the forum now. Find the house you want to join and announce your intent to join in the house thread. If there are openings in the house the leader will send you an invite to the private house thread. Good luck and have fun!
Houses will cap at 20 each join soon to get a slot
I'd like to join the elves
Hey as awesome as this challenge is, I have to drop out because I watch the series a week or so after it airs and it would be spoiler city if I read someone died. Keep on Rockin it badasses!
Team: Daryl & Carol Goal: YES Attacks: EXEMPT
Yay! Welcome!! You're gonna be so ready for the zombie apocalypse with that crossbow!
I am totally changing my goals for the week! 1. 4 cardio workout days 2. 3 strength workout days 3. 3. Stay under my calorie goal 6 of 7 days
Team: Daryl & Carol Goal: YES Attacks: YES
We gonna win this thing BOOYAH!!!
So Awesome!!! how often do you get a quick easy fix like that?! #bestnewsever
Arguing against this workout is like saying "calisthenics is crap, you can't get a good workout if you don't walk, run or do elliptical" its absolute madness. And why would calisthenics be better if you are staring at a wall instead of a tv? I challenge anyone to compare the netflix workouts to anything you will find on…
No matter who it is, an elite runner or someone who never exercises when they first tried to run a mile it was hard. I had a similar story to yours in a way. When I was in my mid twenties I had let myself go. Was over weight. Never exercised. One day I was trying to run across the street to make it before the light turned,…
Why do haters hate? Chalk it up to life's mysteries... but you don't have to fall for it. Enjoy your workout and let them enjoy their self righteous elitism.
I don't think you need the 12 mile run truthfully. If it were me I'd convert it to an easy recovery run, and taper as planned. My rule of thumb is that if its a sharp pain I don't run on it at all, if its a dull pain I might ease up but I still run.