amontgomery78th Member


  • I got you on the fitness pal app here LMI
  • My story is not a glamourus story. Growing up I was into Martial Arts. I had studied Karate, and practiced with other styles developing an MMA style before it was cool. I was the first in my class to enlist in the Army as a Junior in high school. I thought I was in good shape and could fight. Ft Benning soon corrected the…
  • I have no idea how to attach this picture from my galaxy.
  • Work every day to be 1% better than I was yesterday. To be an example for my children to follow or exceed.
  • I am a Kravist south of Atlanta. While I distance run and weight lift, Krav Maga is my primary work out. I'm certified level2 practicer and level 1 instructor. Now knowing this, Krav Maga will help you get in. Shape and be able to defend yourself. If you are looking at getting thinner, and cut, then you have to check you…