Great result! Keep it going. I am hoping for a similar result at the two week mark (only finishing day 2 atm!).
The most important thing is diet, and tweeking with small things, meaning if you drink coffee with sugar and milk, try reduce the amount of sugar and milk every few days/weeks and this will slowly lead you to a healthier way of life. Create yourself a diet plan, no need to be too stict but it is important you recognise the…
What your doing sounds fine, but her diet is simply cutting out easy energy for the body that can be consumed, meaning your body must burn more calories to digest the food, giving a slight boost to a diet. It's not the healthiest of diets as people should learn to balance out a proper diet, allowing there bodies to get…
Just mail me your current weight and we will weigh in on the 22/06/15 to see who has lost the most weight! Just mail me your current weight and we will weigh in on the 22/06/15 to see who has lost the most weight!