I'm happy to get more friends, amigo
You guys are all so much faster than me. My fastest mile is 13:11 and that's at a pace I can't maintain. My half is the first Sunday in April and my goal is simply not to be last. For a 5k, I'm averaging around 56-57 minutes. I haven't actually tried running the entire time because the app I'm using has me walking then…
I'm training for a half as well! I'm using the 13.1 Active App, which is pretty good so far. I'm only on week two but I could use support.
I too am a teacher! A high school teacher! Feel free to add me!
Let's do this.
You deserve it! You look great and your costumes are great!
I know, right? I just found this and suddenly I have ten tabs open...but still no money.
I ordered a Captain Cold cosplay for an October con. This will be my first professionally made costume! (It is a former student of mine and I can't sew, so everyone wins)
I liked Fisk quite a bit. If you think of it as "Kingpin: Year One", it makes a lot of the criticism less valid...
I try to skip an extra day if it hurts--better to skip than to injure yourself.
Feel free to add me!
I'm interested. I gotta kick my addiction to death sticks somehow, I guess.
I'm trying to limit my carbs to close to 100g per day. My wife is doing 50g a day and having great results.
Nice tat.
I have the Fitbit Flex and it is great BUT--and this is significant--they've had to replace it twice in the last 12 months.
A doorway to Narnia.
41 years old here.
I feel sad saying it, but I have no friends and would like some.
No one suggested The Room or Birdemic?
Pass, no offense dude.