sarahopelor Member


  • I mix honey and mustard and a couple other spices in a bag then marinate the chicken in the bag in the fridge for about as long as it takes to make a salad or finish my side dish and put in the oven. Then I put the chicken on a hot skillet and cover it. 12 minutes on each side (I like to make sure NY chicken is completely…
  • There's so many comments! Mine will probably be lost. I've always been the skinny stick girl, I feel silly saying that I'm trying to gain weight. Then I remember that I'm trying to gain muscle, so it makes me happy :) add me I'm new to this app and love it already
  • There's so many comments! Mine will probably be lossed. Ice always been the skinny stick girl, I feel silly saying that I'm trying to gain weight. Then I remember that I'm trying to gain muscle, so it makes me happy :) add me I'm new to this app and love it already
  • My goal is to gain 7 pounds of muscle weight