My cheat days arent nearly as bad as they used to be. I have a huge apetite and after dieting for a few months, and keeping calories around 3000 when training with the army i got down to super low body fat, 5-6%. Which lead to "binges". Anyway now i have a cheat day every friday, which includes whatever i want to eat but…
Oh man. When i was for some reason restiecting calories to aroubd 2200 a day which is low for me i got down to around 5%body fat and had major cravings. Anyway, had a few binges of 8000 or so in one sitting (or an hour) legit.
350 calories over? Dont worry about it at all!:) think about it, if youre esting out at places with pre calculated meals for one or two a day, those could be off (plus or minus) by 350 easy. Today i had a cheat day which started after supper time after the gym, and my totald for the day was 7500 calories, which is almost…