JennieBennie7 Member


  • I say no to bullies who chastise new users for replying to and awakening a "dead" thread. :) This should be a welcoming place.
  • I use BCN AminoX blue raz flavor in about 20 ounces of water & ice. It's very tasty and if it can help to insure against muscle loss while I train in a fasted state with the goal of fat burning/toning/muscle gain I'm thrilled to have found a brand and flavor I enjoy.
  • I really like BCN AminoX blue raz flavor in about 20ounces of ice & water. I also use it while lifting in a fasted state.
  • I add a chopped up banana, vanilla protein powder, original fiber one cereal and chopped walnuts for a yummy mock banana cream pie dessert.
  • It may look complicated but it is super simple. The only buttons I have been using are the "ON/OFF" which is on the lift side, the "g/oz" to switch between gram and ounce measurement and "zero" to zero the scale of i use a bowl or other item rather than placing the food directly on the scale. Have a great day!
  • I absolutely love the scale i bought at Weight Watchers. I can weigh things in grams or ounces, in containers or not. It has features for calculating WW points which I don't use since I love MFTP and use it instead of the WW system now. I believe I paid about $30. I'd bet you could find it online. Best wishes! I'll try to…