Laughs13 Member


  • Yay! Well done i'm going to the movies with some friends... does that count ? It's like you read my mind. Our friends wanted to hangout with us yesterday but I needed to work late so we rescheduled. I have this one in the bag
  • Strawberries.! Thinking of just making a strawberry mango smoothie at home..... mmmmmmmm :D
  • Just joined. I worked out before I joined,but now that I actually joined and saw the challenge, I do something else. I need to clean the house before work today and maybe play with the dogs for a bit outside.!
  • Can I join? I have a goal to lose 70 pounds and this challange seems great to keep me motivated. Thanks :D
  • I did it for myself. Its actually one of the first thing I do for myself instead of for everyone else. Its hard sometimes especially when I miss one day of working out it just spirals out of control.I appreciate the comment and I hope things work out good for you.