dw180 Member


  • Thank you and im cheering you on as well
  • Thank u to everyone for your kind words....i hope to find new friends here to help with this journey ..and @ Reeves45 i do have family bit the only one who sum what trys to understand is my sister but she doesmt really understand either she just doesnt make smart comments about my weight...im thr biggest out of my family…
  • Hi...i too know what its like to be on again off again..because its hard...i have a nice amount of weight to lose myself and i joined here and i pray that it helps you can add me of you like we can help each other
  • Hi ..its easier to have somebody that u can express how you feel to and they understand..this is a hard journey..one i know all to well...but we can do it even when mess up for a day we have to keep pushing and love yourself and what uour doing for yourself..in the long run it will be beneficial :)
  • Hi...getting started myself...support is good all that you can get..
    in Newbie Comment by dw180 June 2015