melp2k Member


  • Hi folks, I'm Mel, from the UK - living in France at the moment, and trying to resist the temptation to eat my bodyweight in delicious cheese and croissants, lol! Would love more friends to help keep me motivated :-) Good luck everyone x
  • Hey Alyssa; welcome aboard! (although like you I'm quite a newbie to the community too, despite having been a MFP'er for a few years) Thought I'd just say hello. I was really touched to read your very honest post. Despite all the challenges you've faced you've clearly got bags of positivity and that will be a great asset.…
  • Hi all! Mel here. I've used MFP with some success on & off for about 4 years now. Like Joebiesha said, I've never really done the adding 'friends' thing on here before but wondering if it might be worth a go! Could be a good way to share motivation and encouragement with each other?