momtoeve Member


  • Good evening! I had a off day yesterday as I was laid up ill and didn't get cooking, steps or anything accomplished. Feeling better today and got my steps in (10691) nutrition was ok and my fluid/ water was not at 50 but around 40. I forgot my water bottle at home and without that at work I have a hard time keeping up. I…
  • so yesterday was a good day, I got in 10,202 steps made dinner at home, and got in 48 ounces of water-so close. I of course didn't have to work yesterday so that was good too :-) thank you for the warm welcome I hope to help as much as possible!
  • I would like to join you in this: By June 20th I will: Walk 800,000 steps (tracked by Fitbit) Work no more than 50hrs/wk Drink at least 50oz of water/day Prepare at least 5 dinners a week at home