lukepukenichols Member


  • I have been careful about this, but the guys who made my training programme (and the suggested protein intake) aren't endorsing any product, and in fact they often write about how fraudulent the fitness industry can been when it's using steroid-taking models to endorse a particular blend of whey which is basically a rip…
  • Ah, that sounds like a plan, I think I'm going to cook a weeks worth of chicken and sweet potato mash/quinoa and then freeze it in individual portions, then defrost it as I need it
  • I do cook from scratch mostly, however the training programme I am currently doing tells me to have 240 grams of protein a day (based on body type, lean weight, etc) and I'm just struggling to cook decent meals in advance and eat at regular intervals
  • Cheers people, lots of good ideas, thanks for your help :)
  • The best way to do this is to drop your calories gradually...this is to prevent your metabolism slowing down (we have evolved to do this to conserve energy when food is scarce. Good for survival...bad for lean gains.) A good amount to cut out is 60 calories every other week, 1 gram of fat has 9 calories and 1 gram of carbs…