cindylou234 Member


  • In search of new friends! Add me people
  • I too have 50+ to lose! Just had a baby and it's hard to manage getting a workout in, but I try.
  • Why do people who are overweight or obese need to make an "excuse" for their weight? How and why a persons body is what it is, is really not the issue. If someone wants to change their body, good for them and good luck. If they don't, what's it to you? Everyone deserves to be treated with dignity and respect no matter…
  • Hello everyone! I'm a 34 yo SAHM of two. My youngest is only 7 weeks! Both babies were c sections. I did well this time and didn't put on hardly any weight this pregnancy, but I was overweight to start! I'm trying to drop at least 60lbs. Currently I'm nursing so I know I can't restrict my calories but so much. Looking to…
  • I'm 7 weeks post partum with my 2nd child. Both c sections. I want to lose at least 60lbs. I'm nursing so I know I can only restrict my calories but so much! Want to just go slow and steady to drop the extra fluff.
  • Good luck! I've been using mfp off and on for a while, but I'm back on now. My son is now 6 weeks old! My daughter is 3.5 and they were both c sections! I want to lose about 60 lbs! I'm still nursing so I know I can't restrict calories but so much. I'm hoping to just go slow and steady.
  • Hi everyone! I'm six weeks pp with 2nd, and I too have that "mommy apron". I've actually lost all my pregnancy weight, but I was overweight before I even got pregnant! Ultimately I'd like to lose at least 60lbs.
  • This is my biggest downfall! It's why I think I have gained 15 in the last year.