Hi everyone. I've not posted on these weekly post threads before, but I did get some helpful advice in a post I put up when I first joined. My success story for the week so far is how well I got on with a specialist book from Amazon for vegetarians who are doing 5:2.…
Thank you. I love how everyone helps each other out on here. I actually already have tofu and miso paste (got the latter online, but the blogger Celia says you can get it in Sainsbury's - hurrah!) so the soup is totally doable and it's great that she gives an exact calorie count. Take care, Laura
He's my nephew :smile: I have very few photos of myself. Thanks for the hormone tip though. I have mood issues that tie in with hormones.
Yeah, for me it's two (non-consecutive) days at 500 calories and five at 1617.
Hiya. Flinx1241 suggested these:
Oh dear. I do get migraines very occassionally, so I'll watch out for any link. Thanks.
Flinx -brilliant! jvs125 - I'm not working at the moment. I hear it can be bad for your concentration, so I'm not sure I'd want to do it if I had to be on-the-ball all day...
Thanks PikaKnight. I think that ties in with what my GP was saying about it being good science. Given that I checked with her, I am happy that there is no medical reason not to do it. The question is whether I'll be a able to stick to it!
(But as Flinx says, it's *5* regular days, not 2.)
Hi Flinx. Thank you! I haven't been able to find any groups. I'm struggling to navigate this website. Could you paste a link or something? Urban Princess, my regular day goal is 1617 (5ft4, sedentary). There is a calculator at:
The one I am trying is the other way around. You fast for two days and calcuate a daily intake for the other days based on your gender/height/activity levels. (Mine is 1617.) I'm new and haven't had much luck with the search function.