NEhandweaver Member


  • Well, the scale didnt move much in June - only 4 lbs - but I have to remind myself that I'm eating well, sticking to my calorie limits, and recording everything. And that, along with 4 lbs, really is something. Plus the month has been rough and I've stuck with this and not given in to eating anything I could grab so should…
  • SW: 240.5 6/13: 224.5 CW: 222.5 Down 2 lbs since last week. Proud of myself today for getting on a bike when my daughter begged me to go ride with her. Haven't been on my bike in forever! We didnt ride far, but surprised it didnt completely kill me, BTH! Would like to be at 220 by end of June (that would be 20 lbs), but…
  • Same!! Even when I had all the other pieces working and I was in at my goal weight (before gaining it all back), I never could manage the water piece. Just yuck. Cannot decide how big of a deal to make this one. I drink coffee, diet soda, or Crystal light, so nothing with mega kcals. Just not water. Right now my focus is…
  • Needing a group - tired of slogging it out alone, so here I am. The background: gastric sleeve surgery 2012, wt: 250+ Wt 1 year post-op: 160, and in the best shape of my adult life. Moved and did my PhD, and gained just about every lb back over those grueling 6 years. I am now in the worst shape of my life and decided in…