burgervnlady Member


  • Hi there. My story is similar. About two years ago i discovered a lump which looked like a egg. Went to gp who sent me to hospital. Turns out i had a benign tumour about 4cm. Had it and the right side of my thyroid removed. Op was pretty straightforward and recovery was good. I wasnt put on thyroxine as ent doctor said he…
  • Now I am considered with in range i have a years worth of prescriptions. I go once every two months to collect. Only if i feel ill do i need to go back. Also regarding ent i saw one weeks after my op and nothing since. At the moment my remaining thyroid feels swollen and at times as though its having needles stuck in it
  • Cheers for all for your replies. I have to say its a shocker when you write down everything you eat. I have tried to eat heakthy the last few days and feel better. I haven't weighed myself yet but i am hoping i have a small loss this week. I hate my thyroid problem as i only got it after growth and right side of thyroid…
  • Cheers for the replys
  • Thanks for your reply.. Hope i liose soon heard some people take extra thyroxine