apricotmuffins Member


  • But it DOES weigh more, by volume. No one is saying a pound of fat is lighter than a pound of muscle. The phrase 'muscle weighs more than fat' is making the assumption that people aren't so dumb as to think that and instead realize that it's referring to volumes.
  • Of course a pound of muscle and a pound of fat are the same weight, but because muscle is much more dense, it takes up a lot less space. That's what is meant by being 'heavier' by volume. If you took a cup of muscle and a cup of fat, the cup of muscle would weigh more.
  • There's so many of us! I was diagnosed recently and I have yet to go on anything extra for it apart from starting Lo Loestrin Fe birth control, which I've been on for the past month. I've also managed to lose 12lbs in the past 40 days, something I never tried before and never actually thought I could do. I started out on…
  • I'm doing a 1300 calorie diet and I am having no trouble feeling satiated on it - however, I would suggest that feeling absolutely stuffed with what you eat is not normal, unless you are subsisting on nothing but plates and plates of celery. You should see a doctor, even more so if eating appropriately ever leaves you in…