flower19932015 Member


  • Tonight I had some plain greek yogurt and a teaspoon of honey to hit the spot. Frozen banana is also good and I also so love a few teaspoons of desiccated coconut and some cocoa powder mixed together - tastes like a bounty bar but a better portion size!
  • Like the above most of the time I will have a bit of whatever I'm craving but I have found a few other options that fulfil the cravings as well. For example i'll often have some coco powder just mixed with hot water to get a hit of chocolate or greek yogurt with a little honey if i'm craving ice cream. It took time to…
  • Love 2/3 scrambled eggs (no butter or oil) with half a grated courgette. Lightly cook the courgette then mix in the eggs. I do have a piece of fruit around 3 hours later at work but other than that keeps me full til lunch (5.5 hours later). Personally work better having a small brekkie and a bigger dinner when i get home