carlabillie1 Member


  • Divvyh iv already been trying to lose weight I'm on my 11th day of my diet I don't go on holiday until the 14th surely I can lose some weight within the space of 18days!
  • I'm blaming the washing machine on shrinking them! Might have to put my self in the washing machines I'm on a mission to tone up! Trying to do 30 mins an evening on my bike and 30 minutes worth of toning up! I just feel like a blabbing bloated mess all the time!
  • It's my hips that are more of a problem and are stopping me from buttoning my jean shorts! Iv been doing hip workouts to help tone etc been doing 20 squats, 20 side leg raises each leg, 20 leg crunches laying on my back, 20 back lifts with legs apart on the floor and a 1 minute plank each evening and thrown in a few extra…
  • I'm usually an 8-10 but the shorts I have from primark which don't fit are a 12 there Jean material! I will post a picture of when I first started my weight loss journey and the progress 2 days into it with a loss of 2 pounds
  • Might have to give them shorts a miss this summer and aim to get into them next year!! English sunshine doesn't last long!
  • Ok thanks for your help! New plan eat 1200 worth of calories and half of what I have burned off on bike! Ditch the waste trainer and raspberry ketones! Oh and buy some new shorts! ☺️
  • So I need to net 1200 calories a day and eat the amount of calories iv burned off on my bike?
  • Yeh most my calorie intake is correct as I use the scanner for things like a tin of tuna Eggs etc.. But that's what I'm doing I'm taking in 1200 calories and burning 200-400 on my bike! So why is everyone having a go saying I will make my self I'll?
  • I wasn't looking at losing a stone in a week that's beyond impossible! I was happy to aim for 2 pounds a week meaning I would be 4 pounds lighter before holiday im jetting off on the 14th iv never been a big eater more of a pick eater through being bored! I used to weight 7.5 before I had my son 4 years ago! So where am I…
  • I wasn't going to lose a stone in a week I was just aming for my shorts to fit! I Will be doing a lot of walking/swimming on holiday which is more than I do at home so hopefully I will just stay the same and can continue to lose weight when I'm home
  • I'm taking in about 1200 calories and burning 300-500 on my exercise bike I have also set up a workout where I do things like squats etc for about 20 minute a day working on different parts of the body I'm 4 foot 11 checked my bmi and apparently 9 stone is over weight! I don't think the diet will last while I'm on holiday…