TravelGurrl Member


  • Friend me!!! I think our lives are kind of mirror images. I'm a project manager, but when I don't have any projects going on, I'm basically a secretary. I probably have 100 lbs to lose too, but I don't every look at it that way. I say I have 10 pounds to lose!!! And then add another 10 and so on and so on. We can do this!
  • Hi there - I bought some of that MCT oil, but am still trying to figure out what to do with it. I kind of like your recipe... do you just stir it or does it need to be blended?
  • Okay - so today ends the first week. And as you all suggested, it has definitely gotten better! My biggest struggle is figuring out what to make for dinner! Indigestion finally went away - I suspect it was eating all that red meat that I'm just not used to. I did a keto test this morning and I'm still in the "none" range -…
  • Thanks for the advice all! So today is day 3 and yes, the sweet cravings are just about gone. I am having a bit of a headache and the WORST indigestion!!! My husband and I have never been real meat eaters.. and last night I made small NY strips with blue cheese crust on them. I was miserable all last night and most of…
  • I'm in! I just experienced my first day doing Keto yesterday. It wasn't a shining success, but I'm hoping each day will get better!
  • I've been reading about it too. I started my Keto eating today and had planned to follow the 16:8 plan... but then I read a blog from someone who said adding in IF is a great way to break a plateau and as KristinLee says, it works better once you're in ketosis. With that in mind, I decided to put it off for about 2 weeks…
  • I am no expert - and like you have just been reading and reading all I can. I believe it's net carbs you should monitor... keeping it below 20g.
  • Hello all! I am Ann, from San Antonio, TX. I have battled weight issues pretty much of my adult life. At the wonderful weight of 273 pounds I tried Jenny Craig several years ago and dropped nearly 60 pounds., But then I was diagnosed with several health issues (RA, Lupus). I kind of went into a depression during that time…
  • Hi all - so I'm REALLY late to the party. I had no idea what keto was until I witnessed a friend's posts on FB showing her literally melting away. She explained what was going on and I did some research on my own, so now I'm on the bandwagon! I think I need to lose about 90 pounds to be what they call "ideal weight" but…
  • Kind of late to the party, but you can definitely friend me. I seem to be "starting over" a lot... so anyone who can email me to remind me to stay on the horse is a friend indeed! Ideally I should lose 100 pound exactly to be at what's considered the appropriate weight for my age/height... but I'm going to be happy with…
  • Good morning all and happy Monday! Just a quick check-in... I think I'm going to have a very busy week ahead of me. Pup when to the vet yesterday because of a sore on his paw... now he's in a cone! I'm running home a couple of times a day from work to make sure he's okay and not stuck somewhere in the house! Pip: Love the…
  • Good morning my new friends! So yesterday was my first full day back on MFP. Can't say it was the greatest, but I DID log all my food, so that's a real eye opener. I went to see a new ortho because I've been having some random aches in my left knee. Doc says we'll start with shots, but he's certain I need a knee…
  • Good morning everyone! Do you mind if I join your group? I have been looking through some of the threads where it's clear everyone somewhat knows each other - leaving me to feel a little sneaky. But your group seems not only genuine but friendly and motivating. That's what I need! A little about me: I just turned 53 last…