
  • :D
    in I overate Comment by JPIDGLEY July 2015
  • I used to always order chicken tenders and fries in EVERY restaurant, people would joke that I would need a kids menu. I didn't care but when I wanted to drop weight and be in a deficit this home made oven baked chicken tenders and fries became my best friend. I think this one was about 450cal (inc sauce)
  • try going here if you want to update your start date and/or weight
  • I agree with you, everything is better when you are fit, and i'm not against exercise, I was just pointing out *in a very simple way* that 3,500 calories = 1 pound of fat and if you don't weigh your food, and know your BMR then you are fighting a losing battle if you eliminate exercise. i did leave out the variables of…
  • I'm prob gunna get so hated on for this post, but I really don't care. I originally lost 40lbs by diet alone. The thought of exercise is not my favourite thing in the world, especially when the fat person inside me wants to play xbox with some mates. Weight loss, if everyone is honest, boils down to basic math. If you are…