jdimsdle Member


  • Inspiring
  • Hey it turns out Fartlek is a real thing it is Swedish for "speed play".
  • I run about 3 miles every other day and have run the same route for about 2 years now. Admittedly I am more of a tortoise than a hare. Running is kind of zen for me like others might use meditation. That's why I am so reluctant to look at a watch. Sometimes running is the only time I get to be alone and without…
  • Oh thanks for the info re: intervals vs. HIIT I think what you are describing might work for me. However I never run on a track...it makes me dizzy ha!
  • I am not sure if I'm in decent shape, but I'm worried I've pretty much adapted to my current run. Not sure I have the time to add distance so I thought intervals might help to mix things up and add challenge.
  • lporter229 I do not have a watch so maybe thay is worth the investment. Yeah, I was hoping to avoid the treadmill. I usually only use that in winter
  • Hmmm IsaackGMOON an app is a real possibility...