melbob1 Member


  • I am coming up to finishing week 2 of insanity. Good luck, add me and we can support each other :)
  • Feel free to add me :)
  • I'm an emotional eater too, if I have a stressful day all I want is to sit at home eating pizza and drinking wine. I still feel like this but I have told myself I'm in control of my feelings and emotions and I won't be ruled by them. So I do something to distract myself. I know it isn't easy especially when you find out…
  • I'm in the UK - Isle of Man
  • Hey Thanks everyone for your comments. I did the fit test today - gaaaaah I thought I was going to pass out. I'm so keen now to see what I can do but I'm so worried I will just give up. It's good to hear from people doing it/finished it. Thanks again!