Triplets... the more the better... Skydive naked or scuba dive in a parka?
Strawberry Gizzard or livers?
I swear I have never thought of myself as a binge eater but I guess I am... I caught myself making a GIANT SALAD and when my bf said "what r u doing?" My answer even surprised me... "I'm sick of portion control! I want to eat A LOT of something and this salad is on the chopping block!" I made sure it was just a veggie…
Like a nice tan ;)
Girl stalker ^
I can't handle the word "creamy" *shivers with disgust* Have you ever stole something?
Lol o:)
Actually... :p
Works at a strip club to feed her five handicap dogs
Failing to plan is planning to fail :)
I have a problem where I'm nice to everyone and its misconstrued as flirting :|
Nice o:)
Strawberry lemonade Real book or e reader
Thanks <3
You got the point tho I see :)
Someone replied before I posted this lol
Makes cute babies! :)
Because your fabulous AND fantastic AND fifty! I love older women ;)
Working nights for awhile... Board...
When ppl stare at fat ppl like they don't belong in the gym??
I feel like there's not many new ppl on here? Seems like a lot of ppl "know" each other?
Liars :neutral: