Galexinda Member


  • Drink plenty of water and keep hydrated - quite often you feel thirsty, not hungry.
  • So nice to read so many posts from other people who are a similar height to me - 5'2'' as I wasn't sure about where to set my Goal Weight. In the end I decided on 125 lb with a 3 lb flexibility either side. Yes, it would be nice to get down to my wedding weight which was 116 lb but realistically I am that much older and my…
  • I have never been extremely overweight but as I am a short person every pound shows. Over 40 years my weight has steadied at about 134 - 139 lbs. Apart from when I got married and I was 116 lbs and that was because my fiance was overseas for five weeks prior to the wedding! Just lost 17 lb in 10 weeks and now 122 lb - all…
  • I have also reached my goal weight - just had 14 lbs to lose which I did in 9 weeks. Now maintaining at 3 lb under my Goal Weight of 125 lb. Seems strange not trying to lose weight and adjusting to eating more (healthy) food as I don't want to lose any more. Congratulations to the other people who have recently started…