
  • Hi! I started following this 2 weeks ago and I'm already down 6 lbs :) I have been following his ideas - which is essentially low carb but not too strict. The little bit of fruit now and again has kept sugar cravings at bay and I've been having small spoonfuls of sugary sauces like ketchup, sweet chilli here and there. A…
  • Hello fellow Brits! Feel free to add me, I like to have a nose through people's diaries and see brands I recognise :)!
  • I'm also back after losing then gaining more back ( :(!!!! ). Support is essential, so I'm adding ya'll! X
  • Good to know I'm not the only one in this boat :). Adding you all! X
  • Hi Everyone! I'm 23 and was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 15. I've been recently started on Metformin but it made me feel so sick I stopped taking it. Now I'm determined to get back on the wagon and lose 3 stone by this time next year, and a stone before my next doctors appointment in November! We can do this!
  • Hi Everyone! I'm 23 and have been living with PCOS since I was 15 or so, got all of the symptoms (hair is by FAR the worst). On my recent visit to the docs she said that I had to lose 3 stone, so here I am! Adding all of you so we can motivate each other :) Katy x