cozworth Member


  • Hi there: I was just recently diagnosed myself. It was a little overwhelming! My eating habits were embarrassingly bad. So, really, no shock on having diabetes. My A1C is only 6.5....the very lowest to still be counted diabetic. So, I am trying to correct it with just diet and exercise. In some ways this is harder than if…
  • Think of it this way, cardio burns fat while you are doing it. Lifting weights adds muscle. Muscle burns calories ALL DAY. So, roughly speaking, the more muscle you have the less cardio you will need to do to maintain your weight. If you really want to dig into this issue there is a little more you could read up on but…
  • If it feels too hard break it down to one thing at a time. Years ago I went through a very successful weight loss. I took things one little step at a time. The first week the rule I followed was simple. No candy. None. No excuses. Just eat no candy and be committed to it. After I was no longer having candy urges I moved to…