I have been on Keto LCHF now for 98 days. I was a sugar addict starting with plenty in my coffee every morning. I am so happy to say that over the last 40 days my cravings are GONE totally. At first I used to eat a lot of "fake chocolate" like Lily's (they are awesome, salted almond is FABULOUS) it did get me through in…
20 days of Keto - I have tried it in the paast but never had enough will power to stay with it long term. I feel amazing. i have done tons of research and believe that I have finally found what works for me. I still have a sweet tooth but nothing like it was before. I've been on every diet in the book but this is truly a…
Hey all, Jess here form NYC - full time mom and professional. Started a Ketogenic Lifestyle and feeling fabulous. Please feel free to add me. :) I could use some friends on here.
Queens, NYC!
I'm new on there again. I have 0 friends. I didn't know that was a feature