sarahhlostt Member


  • Awww I love this thread. People don't tell you how easy it is to fall back into your old lifestyle, even if you work out. I gained 20 lbs this year even though I ran 2 half marathons and one full last year. I would do nothing in between races but eat like crazy saying "I'll just lose it when I train"... Which didn't…
  • PS, some people do not understand the pain that comes with endemetrosis. It's nauseating for me and I'm usually getting sick with it. Those are the days that I just focus on staying hydrating and catching up on my workouts after. Good luck again!
  • I haven't read the previous responses but I also have endometriosis. Luckily, it means I skip most periods but when they do come it's a whole lot of pain and not a lot of energy. I try to drink extra water and foods that will help with energy. I also don't go extreme on my cardio and try more weights for that week. I'm…
  • Age: 32 Height: 5'2" Weight: July 1st: 143 July 8th: 139.6 (we'll see if I can stay out of the 140's!) Successes/struggles this week: Even though I just joined yesterday I've been working out 6 days a week since the first of the month. That's definitely my success so far. I have yet to miss a workout. It was rough last…
  • About You - The Jesus and Mary Chain
  • Thank you! :)
  • Is it too late to join? This is exactly what I need! Age: 32 Height 5'2" Weight: July 1st: 143 July 8th (which is tomorrow... yikes!): 15th July: 22nd July: 29th July: 1st August: