clouddancer19 Member


  • I have depression. I have friends (online) with depression as well. I know first hand how isolating it can be and how much it can affect you. I have lost some weight in the past, but I stopped doing what I was supposed to do and it easily came back (and then some). Start out with baby steps, anything more will be too…
  • I've been known on occasion to send the snark right back toward my husband if he gets like that. Mine doesn't remark about my weight (he's fat, too), but he has commented on other things. I don't get feisty often, Depression has really done a number on so many things, but when I do, he gets told to stuff it. Overall, my…
  • My get up and go got up and went a looong time ago. Living with depression, in poverty, working from home in a sedentary job (transcription), coupled with a giant sweet tooth, a big appetite, short stature (I'm 5'2" and the shortest in my family), and a general tendency toward laziness and sedentary hobbies, combined to…
  • Hi. I'm Elise. I live in Maine. I'm 5'2" and I'll be 33 in 9 days. I have about 160 lb to lose.
  • I visited New York recently (I live in Maine). I've been gaining weight pretty much steadily since I left college about ten years ago now. I've always liked eating, but have hated exercise. I used to do dance classes, but haven't done that since high school. Not being able to sit in a lot of the seats while we were out was…
  • When I did the steps necessary and I followed and logged, I did lose weight. Unfortunately, a little thing happened and I didn't log, then another little thing happened, and then it snowballed and didn't take much to be completely out of the good habits I had developed. I did gain back that weight, and have even gained…