Mbilo Member


  • yes quitting smoking was more important of course. my weight would always fluctuate but i have alwasy been a big eater. Good for you that you stopped smoking. its sad about the bike accident and not being able to exercise. slowly lowering your calorie intake is a good idea. i will try to do that and this app will help. i…
    in Food Addict Comment by Mbilo July 2015
  • I quit smoking 10 yrs ago and then went to gum and then hard candies, now I just eat everything. I am not a large person but i have gained 40 lbs in the last 3 years. It seems once i start eating i just cant stop. I do like to exercise and do it about 4-5 times a week but with the overeating its just an endless battle.…
    in Food Addict Comment by Mbilo July 2015
  • Hi Sandra, good luck with your goals. this app is sure to help you.
    in Hi I'm Sandra Comment by Mbilo July 2015