Brandi_Reeves Member


  • No need to be specific. There are lots of people commenting with just the state that they live in. If people want to specify, they can. Naming the state you live in still narrows it down.
  • Born & raised in Georgia, but live in South Carolina now :)
  • Thanks guys! I don't really have any weight goals other than just to be healthier, but I definitely want toned abs and stronger arms. I do the yard work at my house and pulling weeds along with using a weed-eater usually keeps my arms fairly strong, but that's only during the summer. How are you liking that program,…
  • There is research that has found the milk sugar, lactose, to cause issues in our bodies during prolonged consumption. When daily milk drinkers were compared to people who did not drink milk, it was shown to cause inflammation in the joints and shorter life spans. However, the other parts of milk (milk protein, calcium,…
  • Hey Jen! I'm Brandi and I'm a bit nutty myself! I'd love to join you and be nutty together :p